Project – Oliver Mill Restoration Phase III – 2022

Date: September 15, 2022
Project Title: Oliver Mill Restoration Project Phase III
Applicant/Contact Person: Emily Surette, Assistant to the Town Manager Name of Organization/Department: Town of Middleborough – Town Manager Address of Organization/Department: 10 Nickerson Avenue
Address of Project Site (if different): 8 Nemasket Street
Telephone (work, home, mobile): 508 947 0928
Select one primary category and one primary purpose for your project:
CPA Category: ☒ Open Space
☒ Recreation
☒ Historic Preservation
☐ Community Housing
CPA Purpose: ☐ Acquire
☐ Create
☒ Preserve
☐ Support (Community Housing only)
☒ Rehabilitate/Restore
CPA Funding Requested: $100,000
Total Project Cost: $870,000
Project Description: This application is a supplemental request to the Community Preservation Act funding awarded at the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. The Town attempted two bid
solicitations for the project work. The first solicitation ranged from $337,700 to $493,600, far exceeding the $180,000 appropriated for project construction. The second solicitation included a reduced scope of work, with one respondent submitting a bid for $278,000. Fuss and O’Neill provided an updated cost estimate of $790,000-$870,000 for Phase III, which includes both construction and engineering fees. Due to the shortfall caused by unusually high cost increases in construction materials, the Town is seeking a supplemental appropriation to be expended in summer of 2023 to for Phase III project work. The Town contributed $55,000 to the original project fund for the replacement of Bridge #4 and repairs to the historic standing walls. Additionally, the Town Manager’s office has submitted an article for the October 2022 Special Town Meeting requesting $35,000 to fund engineering fees in anticipation of next year’s project work. The Town intends to leverage every grant opportunity available to ensure the project is fully funded in light of increased project costs.