CPA Meeting – 9/11/2014

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Action items for this meeting

      J. Lopes to follow up on warrant articles for the upcoming STM. Jo to provide template
      for articles.

        J. Lopes to work with Town Counsel on remaining Grant Agreements.

          C. Lieb to provide resignation to the Town Clerk.

        • Jo to email grant agreement to town counsel – DONE

Action items from this meeting

  1. Colleen to get Jennifer Goldson’s bill, signed by Jane to the Accounting Office
  2. Jane to co-ordinate the reappointments of the statutory members w/ the presentation on the CPA Articles
  3. Jane to work with Town Counsel on remaining Grant Agreements
  4. Jennifer Goldson to draft a memo for the Historical Commission recommendation on Museum project
  5. Kim to consider taking Mo’s place as treasurer.
  6. Jo Ruthwicz to send out project list
  7. Jane recruit more applicants for open CPC member
  8. Jo Ruthwicz to work on sign finalization