CPC meeting 8/9/2012

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Action items for this meeting

  1. Mark to post summary of new CPA legislation on website
  2. Mark and Mo to review Historic Preservation Restriction requirements
  3. Mo to email Coalition to find out when state match amount will be determined
  4. Mark to put all project applications on website
  5. Mark to further review Cemetaries application
  6. Mo to further review Town Clerk/ Town documents application
  7. Mike to further review Organ application
  8. Jane to further review Nemasket Apartments application
  9. Dave M. to further review Museum application
  10. Jo & Dave T.to further review Shoe Shop Place application
  11. Lauren & Ted — you can choose which app you want to review the apps will be further discussed at the August 9th meeting

Action items from this meeting

  1. TBD